What type of Edgerouter you have or want to have, it doesn’t matter. You can put the configuration, management and maintenance of your whole Edgerouter in our hands. An excellent alternative when you don’t have the time or knowledge.
You make your wishes known for the design of your Edgerouter and we will make the configuration in our lab. We will send you a ready-to-use configuration that you can easily load in your own Edgerouter.
We can also deliver the hardware and install your configuration on the device before shipping. So after the arrival of the router you are ready to get started.
We also provide updates and support on request. Or a pre-buy hours construction. Do you have a problem that you cannot figure out, or do you want modifications in an existing configuration? We can also help you with that.
Ubiquiti Edgerouter
Are you ready for the future? Enough of all the problems with consumer grade routers/Access points?
Experience the speed and stability of Ubiquiti and forget all the problems.
Our standard
Safety and speed
Our supplied config is ready to upload in your Edgerouter and works directly out-of-the-box. Did you order an Edgerouter with your config, then your personal configuration already loaded in the Edgerouter. You only need to connect your Edgerouter to start using it.
- We provide all our configurations with default firewall rules that block traffic from the internet
- Only from the internal LAN access to the router is possible via the GUI and SSH.
- We make only use of complex passwords
All our configurations are based on the latest version of the EdgeMax software. As a result, the reliability and safety is guaranteed.
What else can we do
Your desire, our challenge
Most IPTV providers are no problem for us. We can configure a VLAN or a physical port for IPTV. Just what you prefer or need.
Do you have two internet connections and want to use both, no problem. Do you have a secondary internet connection that you want to use as failover, no problem. We can configure this for you.
Of course we can also setup your site-to-site and site-to-MultiSite VPN and management. We do this remote but onsite is also a possibility (only in NL).
We can perform version control for your Edgerouter. In case of an invalid configuration, you can easily restore a previous configuration.
If necessary we can assist you with the recovery.
On request, we can perform updates or remote changes for your existing configurations.
Please contact us for the possibilities
Do you have the needs for a stable and fast Wi-Fi network, for high transfer speeds or to Stream HD Content? Then we also have Wi-Fi solutions based on Ubiquiti Unifi Access Points.
De Ubiquiti EdgeRouters onderscheiden zich van andere routers dankzij de hoge routing capacitieit van tenminste 1 miljoen pakketten per seconde vanaf de Edgerouter Lite tot 2 miljoen+ bij de Edgerouter Pro.
Hiermee is de EdgeRouter reeks ideaal voor thuis en MKB.
De EdgeRouter levert uptime prestaties gelijk aan die van toonaangevende enterprise oplossingen. Dankzij het compacte ontwerp en hun robuuste uitstraling zijn deze routers de perfecte aanvulling. Ze leveren maximale prestaties voor thuis of bedrijf en passen binnen de kleinste budgetten.
De Edgerouter is in te zetten is een diversiteit aan scenario’s. Of je nou thuis internet + IPTV wilt gebruiken of een zakelijke dual WAN oplossing, de Edgerouter kan het allemaal.
De intuïtieve, grafische gebruikersinterface is eenvoudig te leren en maakt routing functies eenvoudig te configureren en te bewaken. Het omvat een geïntegreerde Command Line Interface (CLI) voor een gemakkelijke toegang tot geavanceerde functies.
Do you have a question about how we work? How we deliver your config or another question?
Do you have a suggestion or can we improve something to give you an even better service? We would like to hear it form you.
Problems with your Edgerouter? Can’t you figure something out? Or looking for a complete network installation on location?